The Reset

 Hello, everyone. As you can tell, I am back. This got me thinking…Why did I take a small time out anyway? 

Mostly because I needed a social media detox but also because that ONE PERSON I often speak about in this blog did a vanishing act and I felt hurt. 

I'm not going to lie… the tiny break I took was a lovely reset. I got a lot of shit accomplished. I caught up on house cleaning, laundry, exercise, reading, and sleep. Just to name a few items that would otherwise be sucked away by scrolling. 

That person has still chosen to disappear and well, that is on them and there is nothing I can do about it. Sure, it doesn't feel good to be ignored but I'd rather this than the alternative, and the alternative is forcing my presence on someone else. Either you want me there or you don't. 

After my week off, I came to this conclusion… WHY SHOULD I CHANGE WHO I AM for someone who doesn't enjoy the person that I am anyway. 

By no means am I perfect but if I had the choice to hang out with myself, I would because I make a wonderful co-pilot. 

I don't like losing friendships but at 43 I understand it's a given. I know that some partnerships-no matter how strong the bond is-will still reach their end. 

And truth be told, I'm not even sure I ever want to rectify what was lost. Choices were made, and actions were taken and sometimes you can never correct what has already been done. You just have to let go and walk away. 

Does that mean I have hate in my heart? Not at all. Only love resides here. I wish the best for my little ghost friend. I hope they succeed in every endeavor they go after. I hope they never get treated the way they have treated me. I hope they find peace and happiness. 

I will do everything in my power to watch over them and send them good vibes only. The only thing I won't do is disappear from my own plane of existence to ensure they feel less guilty. 

Yes, I'm still in selective energy. I'm only posting things that count to me and I am no longer trying to seek attention or approval from anyone… and that includes promoting my book. Either you support me or you don't but when all is said and done and my book does take front and center, don't be upset when I have chosen to act like you don't exist as well. 

Right now, I'm happy. It took a minute to get back to this place and it's too precious of a spot to let go of. Not to mention, it’s important to stay here because this field is where my abundance grows. So, with that said, I can’t accept anything less. It's not worth it to me. 

Yes, my time away served its purpose. It led me here… a stronger, more determined woman that decided to silence all the negativity and noise. And, maybe, down the road, I will take this retreat once more because it definitely revived my soul. 

I leave you with this… never be afraid to step away from something or someone that is draining you. Give yourself the chance to discover a whole new world. One that isn't filled with uncertainty and doubt. 

Until next time and with much love, 


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