
Showing posts from April, 2022

That Tower Moment

  Well, my sweets… an end of a chapter in life that I started writing eight years ago has come to an end and when one door closes, another one opens somewhere a midst the chaos that ensues.  This is also known as Tower Moment. A giant, pain in the ass Tower Moment.  And this is mine.  But first a back story… and a definition for those who don’t know what a Tower Moment exactly is…  In September of 2021, just a few days shy of fall, I was informed about this ‘tower’ moment looming right around the corner…albeit at the time, things were a little shaky already… so part of me thinks that this information passed down was just confirming what was already happening and what was going to continue to happen until this fiery building finally burnt down.  A Tower Moment according to and I’m paraphrasing Google is this: a pivotal moment where change is thrusted upon you in a, more often than not, drastic way.  For me, it was that! And what it felt like was running into an unexpected invisible wall