
Showing posts from June, 2021

Roses Have Thorns

Hello, loves. I apologize for the delayed post. I’ve written a few but because my heart wasn’t fully invested in them, I scratched them altogether. Which brings me to today’s topic…. WHAT WE INVEST OUR TIME IN and how our karmic journey’s correlate with those choices.   Get settled in kiddos because it’s finally tea time. You aren’t a convenience store…. NOR IS ANYONE ELSE OR LIFE IN GENERAL.  For those that read this blog in other countries that might not understand the reference, let me clear this up. A “convenience store” is a shop where one can get the goods they need or want at any given time. Craving a banana at 4am, there is a store around the corner open to that very whim. Need a pair of sunglasses at 3pm, yup… you can find those there as well. Essentially, whatever you need, there is a place dedicated to instant gratification.  Here’s the kicker though, people are not brick and mortars and neither is life. A Relationship in any form takes work. Someone or something can ha