
Falling… Free or Forward

  Since the awakening as I call it… which is literally just a new lease and view on life I am doing things drastically different.   Recap…  I got super sick (almost died), I had two uncles pass away weeks apart from each other, and I was terminated from my job… proving once again that employees are replaceable and no job is worth you sacrificing everything for it.   I look at my days like this now: I like going to my new gig! When I come home I am not so exhausted and can enjoy life… not just chores or responsibilities.  A week looks like this on average… I write for book two every day M-Th. I take a yoga class once a week and I do cardio or weights twice a week. I just got a ukulele and am now taking lessons. I take an Abraham class (Law of Attraction) once a week and practice what I am being taught. I am doing rituals more often. I am now reading my third book for the year, and have my next two lined up after this one is done. I journal at least once every week. Depends if I really n

You Know…

  Rules:   Because I keep seeing these weird, “How To Keep a Guy,” posts…  And it's infuriating.  For all of you who are wondering… those posts are stupid and demeaning and it literally takes away any fault, error, or responsibility from the guy you’re supposed to keep interested.  So here I am… to tell you the truth in hopes that you’ll drop that bozo like the bad habit he is…. And if you don't drop him, throw some distance his way… because he doesn't deserve all those hurdles you are going through to keep his lame-o self intrigued.  How to keep a man interested… Be Yourself. If he doesn't like it, screw him and the horse he rode in on. You deserve someone who loves your light anyway it shines… and unless you are a terrible person… Nothing you will do or change about yourself will keep him interested. Seriously, you don't need an instructional post telling you what you are doing is wrong and you need to change something about yourself in order to keep him.  If he k


  ¡Hola, amigos! I just got back from a beautiful adventure. ¡Viva México… mi corazón!   Yeah, debated taking this trip after all that has happened to me but didn't because well… I didn't want to.  Pardon me… If this entry goes all over the place…. BECAUSE IT PROBABLY WILL….  I planned this trip in late January, whilst hooked up to machines. While doctors poked me with needles until I had no more veins left. While I contemplated life and where I was headed once more. The one thing I was certain about was there was more to life than dying for a job that didn't want me and working my ass off just to ensure I have the bills paid and material things I want. While understanding that in a flash everything can be taken away.  The sound of a heart monitor became the soundtrack and the steady thumping of the breathing machine became the crescendo of my song.  Life is a journey and steps one should explore.  For a while, I haven't felt the confidence I once had. Sadly, that comes

That Beautiful Butterfly

  Happy Friday, my fellow readers… I hope you all are having a splendid day and enjoy your upcoming weekend.   I’m going to start this off with some good news. I found a job. It's temporary or should I say I can keep it for as long as I want it. It pays very well, comes with benefits, and the best part… I am only working four days a week. I was going to do three but given the relaxed nature of my new path… I honestly have more time to accomplish my own personal goals…. Which include, but are not limited to: exercising more regularly, editing book two, writing this blog, and overall just being more happy.  This opportunity fell in my lap after I was terminated from my teaching job… After two full months of tragedy taking place. Y’all for the last 60 days or so I was an emotional wreck. But again, if you keep up with this blog, you would know that losing two uncles back-to-back and becoming extremely ill (almost dying), then losing a job would make anyone sad.  Everything was so unce

One Headlight

  Two dead uncles, one near-death Sepsis-related hospitalization, and one job termination later… Here I am.   March 5, 2024.  I woke up with a pounding headache. I woke up feeling sorry for myself. The headache was remedied by aspirin and my self-loathing was fixed by a surge of endorphins. I forced myself to exercise. I might be depressed but I will be damned if I gain any more weight. By the way, I am not complaining about what I look like. I might not be the youthful sprite I once was but I can hold my own at 43.  After that… I walked to my local coffee shop, ordered some coffee and a scone, and opened my laptop. Book two got postponed until tomorrow or later tonight. It was zhuzhing up my resume that took precedence. By the way… I just learned how to properly spell the word “zhuzh.”  Last post I spoke briefly about getting everything I want in life. And this is very true! The other thing that holds truth as everything I want has never come to me in the way I planned or envisioned.