
Showing posts from March, 2023

Let It Be

  Last night I got some really sad news... Although all day I had been riding this glorious wave of accomplishment. I finished my second book. The sequel to the first one I wrote and published last year. It's a romance, fiction series loosely based on something that happened to me 22 years ago.   Of course, it branched off from that but that was its beginning. Its partial inspiration. Finally being done with it felt amazing.  At first, I shared the news with a few people and then I decided to share the news on my social media... Because let's face it... This book series needs a social media presence in order to gain traction and potential buyers.  I have worked extremely hard to get it this far but it's nowhere close to where I truly want it to be.  Anyway, the news last night... Although I can't fault the truthful mirror I faced, was still super sad. All day I have been trudging along trying to mask my feelings and trying to forget a bond that never meant anything... O

Remember Me That Way

  I saw this post this morning about Passion vs. Love... I instantly thought of my friend who recently told me they don't believe in love... They only believe in passion. I thought the statement was hilarious but that is beside the point. I now just feel sad for them and I wanted to tag them in the post but I didn't because I wasn't sure it was worth it.  Because I'm not even sure they have ever felt true passion if that's the bold claim they can make.  My Taurus heart cannot comprehend. As it is the epitome of all things love and passion designed. I don't know how you can have one without the other.  And yes, I agree there are varying degrees of love but but the bond between two people, no matter the level involves love in some way.  I also realize you can love something or someone without being in love. I am fully aware of love vs. being in love. For example, you can love a favorite food or activity or movie or song or whatever it is, without making a lifelong

Penny For Your Thoughts

  I had a friend yesterday tell me that they believe in passion but they don't believe in love. It took every fiber of my being not to laugh in their face because that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Not to mention, the biggest load of crap.  In my opinion, it's the equivalent of someone saying, “They don't like drama” yet anytime there is drama that same person who claims to hate said drama, is right smack dab in the middle of it. Holding the matches that started the fire.  Every. Single. Time.  Them: What happened? Why is the bridge burning in a fiery blaze?  Me: What had happened was... YOU ARE A LIAR.  šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Rest assured, my friend has fallen in love and most likely falls in love harder than someone who doesn't make such ludicrous statements.  Don't get me wrong... In a way... I UNDERSTAND where my friend is coming from. I can compare this comment to some of the very bold ones I have made myself. For instance, I have told him after being married, I'm

When Macklemore Sings

  Hi Lovies. I'm kinda drunk so let's see how this works out. I know it has been a while and I'm so sorry. Life was a little hectic... I got happy. I got lost. I got knocked down again. It happens... C’est la vie. As my French side says. Did you know I am French? I'm Greek, German and French. Lol. Can't speak anything fluently but I try because I hate being that asshole... Yet I don't have the courage to butcher the languages just to show I know how to speak them.  I say this... Because I am done hiding.  I learned something yesterday about myself and a trip that changed my life. Jealousy and insecurity in myself pinned my choices... NOT ME! I hate this.  Oh man, here I am... BOOK TWO about to come out all in a weird and strange serendipitous manner. Once the fuck again!  That trip happened because my mom took me on a wild ride she was sure would change my life. She knew in her gut... IT WOULD AND DAMN IF IT DIDN’T. It was the seed... And I was 20.  It was the r