
Showing posts from April, 2023

Just Fall

Hello. Happy Sunday. It's crisp and sunny here and I am basking in it all. The last time I wrote, the weather matched my mood: gloomy with a side of sadness. As I said in my last post, it's okay to feel that emotion from time to time.  Other emotions that are okay to experience: are acceptance, love, and worthiness.  Sometimes in order to feel those very things you have to separate yourself from a situation and look at the bigger picture.  Which is what I had to do and am continuing to do.  I am accepting what I cannot control. I am loving being present and loving letting go of the past. I am understanding that I am worthy even if the one person I want to see this never will.  It's been a painful yet humbling journey to comprehend these lessons... because well, with them... has come confusion and loss.  On the opposite of that coin was the birthing of a new opportunity. The one where I focus solely on myself and what I want to accomplish. I let go of waiting.  I just starte

Into The Night

  Hello, fam-fam. I know the last time I wrote I was in a somber state. It happens... I am a “feeler”... A SENSITIVE SOUL and I'm allowed to be sad from time to time.   We all are.  As long as I nor you don't wallow nor linger in that place for too long, sadness is okay.  It's a completely fine emotion to experience and I actually recommend it on occasion. Feeling blue shows that you are alive, that you are human, and that you are not walking around this great earth an empty shell of a person.  Sometimes feeling melancholy can even become a valuable tool and lesson in life.  Just like happiness, sadness gives you perspective. It teaches you the value of things at face value. Sadness isn't sugar-coated sweetness that touches your tongue. It's the salty tear that scratches your skin raw. It's the rose-colored glasses being taken off.  Sorrow shows you where you stand. It also allows you to see where you want to go. Whether you have been sad about a person or a sit