
Showing posts from November, 2022

That Four Letter Word

  On today’s episode of: WHAT IS SHE THINKING?   It’s LOVE and what that really means…. First off, how is everyone doing? I know it’s been a minute but unfortunately between work and life… I just haven’t had the time to sit down and write. I also really haven’t had much to write about… either that or I just have been too damn exhausted to sit down and let all my feelings out but today apparently I’m feeling it all.  I’m here now though so I guess, better late than never.  So back to my initial thought regarding LOVE! What does it mean? What are the feelings attached to it? Is it real love if it can happen instantly or is love just a feeling we get no matter what the timeframe is? Can you love multiple people and friendships equally or does love get thrown out way to often and never really means the same thing by those that say it to those that receive it?  What is love anyway?  I’ve been thinking a lot about this subject lately. Mainly because it’s engrained in my soul. It comes par fo