Just Fall

Hello. Happy Sunday. It's crisp and sunny here and I am basking in it all.

The last time I wrote, the weather matched my mood: gloomy with a side of sadness. As I said in my last post, it's okay to feel that emotion from time to time. 

Other emotions that are okay to experience: are acceptance, love, and worthiness. 

Sometimes in order to feel those very things you have to separate yourself from a situation and look at the bigger picture. 

Which is what I had to do and am continuing to do. 

I am accepting what I cannot control. I am loving being present and loving letting go of the past. I am understanding that I am worthy even if the one person I want to see this never will. 

It's been a painful yet humbling journey to comprehend these lessons... because well, with them... has come confusion and loss. 

On the opposite of that coin was the birthing of a new opportunity. The one where I focus solely on myself and what I want to accomplish. I let go of waiting. 

I just started doing and being... Just doing and being here. Trying my best to treat myself the best. 

So there is no love received. I love my heart and will never give up on it. 

So there is no acceptance or value. I know who I am and what I bring to the table. 

So there is sadness and a void but given time there will be a transference of this energy and this will no longer shadow a part of my soul. Because to be honest, this was never only my sacred torch to hold. 

Life is too short to mope about and wish for things to be different. Because, just maybe, one day they will. 

I don't want to sit around and be bummed out because I was disappointed in a person, place, or thing. 

I just want to change that ick to glory... So that's what I am doing. The ick was fuel. The glory is movement. 

When I say, “It is what it is”... It means I am done. I am exhausted and I have temporarily walked away from whatever it is that is breaking my heart. 

In a way, I am pulling a move from my book’s main character, Hope. She goes through this moment of clarity where she walks away from what she always believed in because it continues to hurt her. Her expectations are unfulfilled. She wonders why? Then she realizes that her belief system is a core part of who she is and she can never walk away from herself. 

She returns to her center... and lets fate, destiny, connection, and love do what it has always done before. 

She takes herself out and falls. She just falls. She doesn't fear what she can't control because she got to experience so much truth for a moment. 

I am Hope. We all are in some way. 

There is a time and a season and a place where things begin and end. Life is a wild ride and just like Hope... I am taking it all in. 

Have a wonderful week everyone. Oh and one more thing... I'm leaving a link to my book. Why not, right?  Because if I am focusing on myself what not promote what I created in the process? 

Book Two is coming out later this year! 





The Blogging Bae 


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