Dreams and the Full Moon

 Hello, my blogger buddies… I have a question. Well, a few actually. 

  1. Does anybody else catch less z’s when there is a full moon? Like clockwork, my sleep becomes spotty when there is a full moon high overhead. Every. Single. Time. Granted my brain is always active and it seems to never want to settle, so I understand this could be part of the issue. Yes, I overthink, I daydream, I create bullet points for stories and books and to-do lists…. And it always happens when I want to sleep… but does anyone else out there have the same problem? I have tried everything. Calming tea before bed. Reading before bed. Turning off social media before bed… BUT NOTHING WORKS—especially if there is a full moon in full swing. 
  2. Does anyone else have active dreams? As if you are living in a parallel universe. This entire week my dreams have been wild. So wild that I was late to work on Tuesday because I turned off my alarm and went back to my other place. 

I could delve into the psychology with this one—unsettled feelings, wish fulfillment, an outcome being different but my dreams always tell me something. Last night, I dreamed of my friend—the one I really don't speak to. The one I hope one day will come back around and we can start over but this time better. 

In my dream, they told me, “They defended me.” “They chose me even if I didn't see that or realize it.” This was hard for me to fathom because although I hope that was the case, months ago I was told by another source (a source I am not really sure about anymore) that I was their inside joke. I was someone they felt pity for and they honestly couldn’t stand. I was told I bothered them and they didn't at all like me. It was a tough pill to swallow regardless if that was the truth or not. I'm not sure I will ever get the truth though even though I am not waiting around for said truth. 

It’s just weird that my dreams tell me things and my intuition is usually always correct but I have to debate whether or not I am wrong about this. 

I wasn't wrong last month when I reached out and was proven that in some small way, they did want me still in their life. 

I wasn't wrong years ago when I had a dream about “them” showing back up in my life, and two weeks later they did. 

And when we were on speaking terms, I was never wrong about how they were thinking of me during the day because I could feel them and I would just ask outright. 

So am I wrong about the dream I had last night? 

I know all the answers will come in due time and I am not pushing. Pushing seems to get me nowhere. But, I do feel them… not all the time… not like I used to and that is because I actively try not not anymore. Now, when they pop into my brain I do what I did before they reappeared… I just wish them love and light. I tell whoever is watching them from above to watch over them. 

However, I can't control my dreams. I can't control when they pop in to talk to me in that world. And in that world, much like this one, I never push them away. I want to hear what they have to say. 

In my dream world, they make it a point to let me know I mean something to them. Unlike reality where I know I don't stand anywhere in their realm. I am just a forethought. Someone that came in, brought some light and love and they pushed that away. I take my responsibility for that doing… but it took two people and some hurtful words for the tables to turn the way that they did. 

Like I said though, I guess divine timing is in control. One day when I least expect… They will open up and not just in my dream world. 

I hope you, unlike me, got some sleep this week. 

Until next time, I love you all. 



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