
Showing posts from August, 2021

A Dream. A Direction. A Reminder

  Yesterday, I went on a rant about how insane it is to think that shit happening to people is because they aren’t remaining positive 24/7…. 365. I still stand by this. I think it’s toxic and completely dismissive of the important lessons we need to learn in order to grow.   I also said that in all my life I have not been surrounded by as many people that dislike me for me being me than I do right now. That I have in the last six years. That too is still true but to be clear, I don’t like most of them either. The energy is all off.  When I moved cross-country, away from everyone and everything I knew as familiar. I wasn’t expecting to come into some crew AND BECOME INSTA BESTIES. I went from having a squad to having two close friends and to be frank, I wouldn’t trade the two for the squad I walked away from when I first moved here for a million dollars. I listed the reasons why these folks don’t like me in my last post but in addition to that you have to understand th...


You ever have one of those days where productivity goes out the fucking window and remaining positive is hanging on by one single frazzled thread? Yes? No? Kinda/Sorta? Well, that’s where I am right now and it’s taking most of my energy just to write this very blog post.  I’m trudging on though because this is a day off and it will be my only day off for a while. Work life is about to get real chaotic and then I go on holiday. A trip that at the current moment, I am stressed about. Not only due to this pandemic but also because of some personal situations. I’m not going anywhere fancy or exotic, just back home to spend time with family and friends that I haven’t seen in close to two years.  I like to think of myself as both mentally and physically strong. I also like to think that I STAY POSITIVE NO MATTER WHAT ADVERSITY I AM FACING. However, it’s absolutely ludicrous to think that I’m shooting rainbows from my ass 365, 24/7 and that a negative thought or a worry will ulti...

Tiny Fragments and Weekly Visions

Last night, I couldn’t get to sleep. I’m a night owl regardless but last night well… she was being a little extra and the longer I procrastinated, the closer I got to my alarm going back off. Around 2:30am, I finally forced myself to take a hot shower and retreat to my bed. Where I tossed and turned for an hour or so. Finally falling out right before what felt like when I had to be back up.   I guess sleeping like a rock on Monday night was not only due to emotional exhaustion and traveling to a different times zone but also me stockpiling lost hours that would come later. way Kind of like what a bear does when they hibernate for winter.  Today was another long and full work day, in addition to a designated blog writing scheduled in. Before work, I write. After work, I write. And hopefully, I’m writing this until it’s done. You’d think full days like these would make someone ready for bed promptly at 10pm but instead my brain goes into warp speed like it’s ready to hit the...

Maybe Partying Will Help

Well, I’m back. Not just literally posting another blog piece but physically back in the state where I live. I left Friday to go back east, go back home, and to bid my dear friend who recently passed away a final adieu. At first, I was just planning on going to the funeral and the gathering that was immediately following after but then I saw all those familiar faces from my college days and decided to go to the Celebration of Life later that night.   I’m so glad that I did. El Rey/CRock/Cline-the man, the myth, the absolute legend was watching proudly as we all threw down in the most epic of ways. A venue rented out, a giant cut out of him, and a DJ spinning all his favorite tunes accompanied by a video of Chris memories playing in the background. We all laughed, we all cried, we all danced our asses off. We all swapped stories.  People came from all over and on more than one occasion, I was told how incredible it was that I made this trek especially for him. I wouldn’t ...