Be an Author… They Said

 Holy shit, man! I am about to lose my damn mind. So if any of you see a woman throw a pink laptop in the middle of the street and smile happily when cars repeatedly crush it, it was me… And I meant to do it.

I would set it on fire, but Colorado is about as dry right now as California and what we don't need is two states engulfed in flames. 

I'm just saying… this editing and proofing part of this craft is working my last nerve. 

Yeah, I get it, first-world problems. But it’s a tedious, obnoxious task. Now, granted I haven't been able to plan an entire afternoon or an entire day to this ridiculous task, but I have been at it all week. A couple of hours here and there. Every morning. Every afternoon. And sometimes in the evening when I get home. 

Do I have that many errors that I need to accept or reject? Not really. It’s just the system I am using is slower than an extremely old person trying to have sex without dying from exertion. Sorry, not sorry for the visual. 

One hit of the accept button means I have to accept four or more times. 

Do you accept the change?


This is the change… so you accept? 


Do you accept? 




For fucks sake… I FREAKING ACCEPT!!! Do we really need to go over this as many times as this task is taking? 

And don't even get me started on when I hit the accept button… It doesn't compute and then goes on to the next 4x correction that needs to be made… So then I have to backtrack. And sometimes backtracking takes me to a whole new page. 

Yes, this mission is testing every fiber of my being. 

Now, I don't consider myself the most tech-savvy person out there… but, damn I am not that computer illiterate. 

And yes, I understand my irrational fear of updating my computer will remove my entire book completely is silly, but I swear sometimes when it comes to technology… We have a love/hate relationship because something will inevitably mess up or take longer than it should. Exhibit THIS ONE! So, it’s not worth the risk. 

So… here I am on a beautiful Saturday, cursing out an inanimate object. Sorry, neighbors… between my laptop and the cat running around like a lunatic, the “f” bomb has been dropped a few times louder than usual… and it’s not because I am getting off! Oh, no… neighbors, it’s not because of anything sexy going on… It’s because I chose to become an author of a sexy novel series. 

Good times. 

With that said, I am giving myself one more hour. At the same hour, my laundry is finished in the dryer, and then, I am done for the evening. 

It’s either that or tossing my laptop and possibly the cat out the window. 

Hope you all are enjoying your Saturday… and yeah, as soon as this job is done. I am promptly updating my laptop. 

This is bullshit. 😂🙃😂




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