Just Around The Corner

 Hello, folks! Happy Sunday. Last weekend was the start of Autumn and I hope most of you are feeling fall unlike here. We are reaching 90 today. 

There is a running joke in my state though that says, “We will always receive a false fall before the colder weather sticks. Don't get your sweaters out just yet.” So, it’s no surprise that the last weekend of September goes out with a heated bang. 

Good riddance. It’s been a scorcher of a summer and just to paint the picture—where I live we don't have central air conditioning in most places. We don't need it, we just have to survive those two months of the devil’s fire. 

Don't fret though. I'm sure by December I will be whining about how cold it is. Lol. 

I'm also here to tell you I won’t be posting for a while. Don't worry… I’m not sad or upset or trying to hide out. Instead, I have to get focused. 

And, stay focused! 

My second book is set to be released on December 11th. That means I need to finish all my edits by November! That will give me time to proofread what the proofreader missed. 

Also, ever since I came back from my writer’s conference, book two has evolved once again. Parts have been added in. Some parts have been taken out. Whole chapters have changed from what they originally were. And for once, since I started writing it two years ago… I am excited and happy with how it is turning out. 

I even laughed out loud in a few parts—which I had not done at all during this whole process. I truly feel the way I felt when I wrote book one. 

I have been waiting for this moment. 

To be honest, it’s not just the conference that helped me find my voice again, but what happened over the summer and the release I felt as soon as I left Paris. 

It was like having that experience allowed me to say goodbye to my old life. I had to go through it to get through it. And, here I am. 

In the beginning of September book two only had 48k words. That is a super short book and I wasn't happy about that. I am now only 4,000 words shy of 60k. Now, it’s beginning to look like a novel. 

In addition, I can't wait to see my cover… AND WELL, THAT WILL BE MY NEXT POST. Just the cover.

So, yeah. Life is moving and grooving and I am steady on my path. I wish you all well and will see you in a couple of months. 




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