The Mask and the Mixtape

The other day I wrote about dreams. Not of the ‘personal goals’ variety but actual dreams you have when you sleep. I have them all the time. I remember them mostly and sometimes they are eerily accurate. And sometimes they don’t make any sense at all! But if you are, like me, the type of person that knows most dreams mean more than just another show you watch when you fall sleep… dreams run deeper than one psychological book would say. They are more in-depth than what you have on your mind that day. Bear with me if you have heard this all before but here we go again with the mystery I have been trying to solve for almost a year now. A while back I noticed a new follower on Spotify. I noticed them right away. I don’t have a large amount to begin with but what stood out was their name. If I put the letters together, I came up with someone I actually knew. I blame all those road trips I took as a kid where we played the license plate game or the fact t...