What Happens in Ibiza, Stays in Ibiza…or does it?

 This! This right here… This is called avoidance, friends. This is called the hardest part of my book-which also seems like the easiest-needs to get done. I have two weeks to get it done and I am positive it’s going to take that long. The book itself is finished. As in, the massive chunk of revisions and edits are complete. Now it’s onto the proofreading police. I did as much of the proofreading as I could but anyone will tell you, another set of professional eyeballs are required after this step. I will be the first to admit I am not perfect when it comes to punctuation and grammar. It’s been a while since I have been in any college level English/writing class. I am also certain that even this blog has errors in it along the way. Because, yes! I am only using myself to proofread it. No profos are being utilized on this blog. So with that said, I apologize if you have caught some error I overlooked. 

This process will take my team about two weeks to do-hence the timeframe I have to finish my other project. From what I have heard, finding what I need to do as difficult isn’t uncommon. I’m not even sure why it’s so difficult because after spending an entire year on this novel, it should be relatively easy? That’s what one would think but it’s not. It’s the hardest part because essentially it could make or break this book series. 

I have to write a 2-3 paragraph teaser/synopsis. This summary will not only go on the back of the book but it will also be the first thing readers see on Amazon and other sites. It’s the hook. It’s what draws readers in. It’s what will entice them. It’s what will make the sale. No pressure, right? 

1st paragraph: a one sentence headline that intrigues folks enough to purchase. 

2nd paragraph: a few lines to describe the “flavor” of my book and what occurs in said book. 

3rd paragraph: one or two sentences describing the big picture… an outside perspective. 

Essentially, it’s my sales pitch! A sales pitch that needs to stay under 200 words. I have no issues selling “myself" or “things” because I have done this as a brand ambassador for companies off and on throughout the last decade but this is completely different. I am not representing another brand… I am representing myself and my book. The only silver lining… after this step is completed, it’s onto the cover. Yay! The cover! I cannot wait for this step. This is when I truly believe all of this will begin to feel real. 

So how do I condense this book into 200 words? Two hundred very important words! A brief snippet that like I said, can make or break this book. Again, no pressure! 

Okay, fellow readers-let’s do a test run, shall we? Here goes nothing! Head’s up though-nothing I have written today is permanent so don’t get too attached! Unless it somehow turns into absolute perfection as I write it down now. 

“I can’t believe I found him! I have looked for him for ten years! I have held onto this memory for a decade! I have held onto what we created that weekend and never let it go. It was that precious to me. It was that magnetic of a connection! I figured I would never find him! I figured it was a lost cause! I figured we were forever lost in time and space and in the seas surrounding Ibiza! I figured this weight of a memory would just stay where it always had… In the back of my brain and in a part of my heart that always longed for him.” Hope thought to herself as she looked up to see him staring back at her. 

When the pandemic hits, Hope-an engaged writer living in New York City, is forced to stop and reevaluate her life. Her past has suddenly and without warning collides with her present. Alex, the man that blew her away ten years ago has suddenly emerged from the sleeping space where he was placed. Hope is caught in between what she wants and the life she is projected to live. 

Will Hope run toward a past that involves Alex or will Hope stay faithful to the future she is headed for. Does a memory only belong to that part of nostalgia for safe keeping or do memories come full circle because destiny means there is more to them? And does “what happens in Ibiza” really mean it’s forced to forever stay in Ibiza?   

So that is it… what I have created for my synopsis… my hook… my sale’s pitch. I can tell ya now it’s 50 words over 200 and it does need some work but at least this was a good test to have. And oh yeah, thank God for the professionals. They will polish this up and turn it into what it should be… that book grabbing must have! At least, I am getting my feet wet so there is that! 

Truly, I never thought any of this would happen but it has and I am here now. Retelling a story that is loosely based in reality. Giving new life to a memory that has and will always mean everything to me. 

Thanks for coming along for the ride and have an amazing weekend.


The Blogging Bae



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