Music and the Mixtape

 Well, you got me! I am back blogging before the month is over…. I know, I know… I should never say never because I always do. However, there is an actual purpose behind this post today. More of an acknowledgement…. Because I am the type of person that likes to show gratitude! Especially when someone has specifically gone out of their way to do something that makes me smile. 

My last blog entry was all about sitting back and observing the kindness of strangers-in order to see that the world isn’t entirely full of wretched people. I didn’t do my usual advertising of that blogspot-like posting it up on Twitter-because sometimes I don’t but also because I was trying to see something. Unfortunately my blog doesn’t allow me to analyze specific stats. It will show me what posts are read and which countries are reading said posts but it will not identify who in that country it is exactly. Which is fine. I don’t mind the anonymity.  My blog also doesn’t allow me to see if anyone follows this blog to see when a new post is up. Which, I am not even sure anyone does? It gets read and honestly, that’s all that matters. That’s all I really care about. I know we are bombarded with likes and follows and the need for interactions but this blog is the one place, I don’t really care about all those details. 

I write this blog under the sheer pretense that it can be relatable and that someone out there feels a kinship or connection… because nowadays human connections are becoming rare. Yes, we connect every single day under the guise of social media but in my opinion, that’s really not connecting at all. Liking a post or photo isn’t the same as calling someone up and seeing how they are. Following someone on social media isn’t the same as sparking up a conversation. 

Another unfortunate event is that most people would prefer the ‘just liking’ and ‘following’ over a real interaction any day. Again, that’s fine… I respect people’s boundaries. Maybe not all the time but for the most part, I do. I read rooms well. 

Anyway, after that post was published, I noticed yet again that someone in France read it. Like clockwork they were there. In the background supporting me and this blog. Without prompting. Without alluding to it. Without me saying, “Hey…look at me!” I don’t know this person or at least I don’t think I do as I really only know one individual who lives in France and I am highly doubtful that this person is that individual. Not because they aren’t capable of reading this blog but because I don’t think they care enough about it. That’s not an insult to either of us… it’s just what it is and to be fair, I am not expecting them to. 

A day after I wrote my last blog, I did what I usually do and went to my Spotify account. I rely heavily on music. It gets me through work days, labor intensive projects and it’s my sidekick when I work out or go on road trips. Music has always been like this for me. When the pandemic hit and I could no longer binge on TV shows or movies, I started making playlist to get me through my days. Some days the TV wasn’t turned on once. It’s a habit that has stuck. I’m no couch potato and for years, I didn’t even have a TV or at the very least, I had maybe four channels. I didn’t even own a decent television until I moved out west. TV wasn’t a priority. I worked and hung out with friends. I saw live music. I left my house and socialized. I was never one to get sucked into a series… although movies were completely different. Especially ones that were accompanied by a solid soundtrack. Nowadays though the TV is on more than it’s off. Mostly for background noise but like I said, within the last fews years… that too has changed. I prefer music as background noise instead.

The day I went to my Spotify account, I noticed I had a new follower. Intrigued, I scrolled down to see who it was. I have been told I would make a great private investigator because of my due diligence behind noticing certain details. Low and behold I noticed this one. Now, for the record… I don’t always look at the playlists my followers create but something, call it divine guidance, was telling me to look at this specific follower. I was taken aback when I saw a note they left: Made for Regina Hope. I am Regina Hope. I’m also not so egoistical that I didn’t consider that this was a generated Spotify account and that this playlist was just a suggestion from the Spotify powers that be. However, knowing that those playlists made by Spotify are in a completely different section and are not specialized to a specific follower; I’m 99.9% sure that this is an actual person and not a bot. I also know that you can’t have a Spotify name that matches someone else’s so I knew it was directed to me. 

It made me smile from ear to ear! Someone out there was thinking enough about me to make a 21st century mixtape for my listening pleasure. Three hours of music that I adored, despite not understanding most of it. Here’s where France comes in again. Most of the songs are in French. I don’t speak French. I can understand some words but for the most part, I am a lost puppy when it comes to this language. Still, my curiosity got the best of me and I did translate some songs to English. The thing about this playlist and person who created it goes back to my gut instincts. I’m more amazed about how it was discovered more so that anything else. Again, most of the time, I just peek and see if a follower actually has created playlists, I see the names of said playlists then decide whether or not I want to follow back. I usually never go into the playlist to check out songs or what music they put together…. so when I did and I saw that it was made for me, I had to chuckle at my intuition. This playlist lines up with the post I just wrote: strangers doing incredibly wonderful things for someone else. And, I have to tell you this… some of these lyrics to certain songs are eerily accurate to certain situations in my life. They also added a song that has made it on several of my own playlists I have created. So how could my ego not truly believe this was specifically curated for me? 

The person deep down inside this body never wants to believe that she leaves an impact or that she is thought about in other’s minds. So yea, that 1% that thinks it’s all a fluke, a generated bot, or that there is a possibility that another Regina Hope exists and seeped through the Spotify cracks… is a loud, nagging self-deprecating asshole. I can’t hate her because she keeps me humble but I can’t deny that she also bugs the shit out of me. It’s annoying she, meaning me… can’t believe I left an impression along the way. I’m looking for the flaw to prove that 1% right. 

I’m not some “woe is me” broad so I don’t want you to feel sorry for me. I just realize I’m not some special bird that needs to be held up on a pedestal while the minions down below admire my ass. I understand that we are all special and unique and I love this about myself. I love that I consider myself equal. I see the traits I possess but also realize I am the same as others. Still though, I couldn’t help but be moved by the sentiment. Regardless, if it’s a fluke or not. The Universe wanted me to see this playlist. Someone out there created a “mixtape” for me. 

Back in the day, making mixtapes were my jam! I spent hours listening to the radio, requesting songs, and patiently waiting to hit pause and record. I gave many a person a specialized mixtape. As I grew older, those mixtapes turned into cohosting a Sunday night radio show as well as the soundtrack that accompanied many of the parties I threw. It was a way of expressing myself other than writing. 

And to be honest, it’s been years since someone has popped up with a “mixtape” specifically for me. Music bonds us. It brings us together in the most magical and ritualistic way. The mixtape is a step above from, “I heard a song I know you’d like.” It takes time and effort and the fact that it was a 50/50 shot of me even noticing it says a lot as well. This person just made it knowing that there is a huge possibility I might not even see it. 

But I did… I am here to say that I did and I am utterly grateful. I am assuming it’s the same French person who reads this blog consistently and I am assuming they decided to make this playlist for me so I, myself, could observe the kindness in others. Of course, this is all assumption so I am going to ask you, my friend… whomever you are…. The one that reads this blog and made that playlist to do something for me? Will you, if it’s not too much trouble, possibly add another song to that playlist? An English speaking one. You can even take one from the playlist I created for you. That’s right… I made you one in return. As a way to say thanks. You will see your profile name as my title. Along with the message I wrote. I am just trying to see if this is you or if that 1% is correct and it’s all just random. The playlist I made for you is full of some of my favorites. It’s full of songs I enjoy, dance to, work to, and write to. There are some new tunes, some oldies but goodies and songs that have spoken to me in many ways. I hope you enjoy my “mixtape.”

I hope you see this and that you are a real person and that you add a song to the playlist you made me so I can tell that 1% to hush. Lol. Please, help me prove her wrong. For what it’s worth though, I am absolutely moved by what happened. I am grateful and I hope to continue this sharing music trend. 


The Bogging Bae/Regina Hope



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