
Showing posts from November, 2021

Weird Ride Ticket For One

  Tomorrow is the 1st of December and it only makes sense that this year ends exactly the same way it began: me doing a double take and wondering what the hell is going on? True story… this entire year has got to be one of the most consistently strange years I have experienced in long damn time. And, I have 31 more days of it. I’m not complaining. It is a year that has kept me on my toes and I don’t mind that but as I am writing this and thinking about everything that has occurred from start to finish throughout this year, I am almost certain some of you would be wondering what the hell is going on as well?   Let’s list some of them shall we… you know… just so you and I are both on the same page. By the way, this is a condensed list otherwise we’d be here all damn day and I have shit to do and I am assuming you do too.  Number One… This year started out with a banger. After 20 years of off and on searching, I found the long, lost soul I had been looking for. Just li...

Music and the Mixtape

  Well, you got me! I am back blogging before the month is over…. I know, I know… I should never say never because I always do. However, there is an actual purpose behind this post today. More of an acknowledgement…. Because I am the type of person that likes to show gratitude! Especially when someone has specifically gone out of their way to do something that makes me smile.   My last blog entry was all about sitting back and observing the kindness of strangers-in order to see that the world isn’t entirely full of wretched people. I didn’t do my usual advertising of that blogspot-like posting it up on Twitter -because sometimes I don’t but also because I was trying to see something. Unfortunately my blog doesn’t allow me to analyze specific stats. It will show me what posts are read and which countries are reading said posts but it will not identify who in that country it is exactly. Which is fine. I don’t mind the anonymity.  My blog also doesn’t allow me to see if a...

Before I Go

  I thought yesterday was going to be my last post for the year but then I woke up this morning with not only thoughts swirling about but also the discovery of having an impromptu day off. The only thing on my agenda for today is a meeting with my editor. I also woke up and immediately checked my stats for this blog, And there you are again, Portugal. Reading what I wrote. I am entirely grateful. Again, I don’t know who you are but that fact that this lady is being read over there, still throws me for a loop every time. I am humbled by it. As a matter of fact, I am planning a trip to visit this country in 2023. I have been all over Europe but have yet to visit this beautiful place. I hear good things and I cannot wait until I can finally say I have visited this country as well. I cannot wait to roam your city streets and explore your countryside. I can’t wait to stuff my face and immerse myself in your culture. I am happy and excited and looking forward to my future travel plans....

One Life Stand

  Hello, my sweets. How has everyone been? Hopefully well and hopefully living the dream or at least getting close to living the dream? If you aren’t there yet… don’t give up. Life was created to be a series of ups and downs and all arounds.   Now, that I have gotten that out of the way. Here’s the biggie…. I cannot believe we are halfway through November and almost entering the last month of the year. I don’t know about you but this year felt very much like the last. In a blink, it was over. Last year I was perfectly fine with how fast it felt because… well, let’s be honest… last year was a circus. And, not one of those beautiful circuses where everything looks like it was created by Disney. No, last year was that dingy carnival full of broken rides, mistreated animals and ride attendants hiding out from the law.  This year wasn’t much different, given we still were and are in pandemic mode but overall, feels  more normal. Whatever normal is supposed to feel lik...