Holding Out For A Hero

I’m just going to say it. 

The Coronavirus is a giant, soul sucking asshole. There’s no way around it...it’s horrendous, heartbreaking, unruly, and if I might add...a narcissistic twat. As if we weren’t dealing with enough...here comes ole pandemic getting jealous no attention is on it...unleashing its wrath on the world. 

And if I see one more celebrity giving a video tutorial on how to wash one’s hands while in quarantine, I’m going to scream. Really? There was a need for this? I guess I understand. People need attention. They need to be seen and heard...I’m doing the exact same thing via my blog...but how I got this far with clean hands sans the instructional celebrity vlogs is mind boggling? I’m surprised I even know what soap is. 

Whatever though...if a famous person is how you learned to properly wash your hands, so be it. Beggars can’t be choosers and I’m not here to crush your soap and water party of one. Just get it done and keep doing it. Exactly how that famous person said. 

This virus has not only forced flourishing nations to its knees but it’s pushed less fortunate ones further down a pit of despair. So while you’re complaining about being forced to ‘Netflix and Chill’...stop yourself and think...think about your cozy home and the luxuries you possess in time like this. Be grateful that you aren’t sheltering-in-place on a cold piece of ground and that you do have Netflix and a home. 

Your life isn’t that tough...you being forced to stay put isn’t that hard. You’re just spoiled but YOU CAN DO THIS. I want to be proven wrong that you can’t do this. 


As much as I have damned this virus all to hell, it is actually a much needed reprieve from the direction we were headed.

No, I didn’t want a pandemic mauling the world over but sometimes I felt so disgusted with being a human being. My race of people have been getting it wrong for so long. An energetic cleanse and saging were necessary....they were long over due. 

Our reliance on consumerism has become the guise for false joy! BUY MORE SHIT! THAT WILL FIX ALL YOUR PROBLEMS!

But it doesn’t and it won’t. You need to work on what’s inside. 

You are someone without a thick bank roll and an image backing you up and I’ll be the first to admit it, I’m no saint....I’ve been on a four month house cleaning bender where I have repeatedly asked, “Why do I have all this crap!” WE DON’T NEED ALL THIS CRAP! Just like you I used to think...I need more....what I have just won’t do. 

Our materialistic tendencies are making us morally bankrupt. No joke. I’ve met more people with more money than they know what to do with. These individuals, more times than not, have ended up being horribly wretched human beings. 

At first, I too was mesmerized by their affluence. I was oohing and aahing with the best of ‘em but once I got to know these people...like really got to know them...I was repulsed. By them and in myself for admiring such nonsense. That’s not happiness. It wasn’t special. It wasn’t  the example of a MY desired outcome. I want comfort-yes, but not at the cost of comprising myself. Ultimately this lead to a decision to walk away and let go of the “glamorous life I could have lived.”  And you know what? Walking away was the best thing I could have done for myself. As a result, I’m happier than I have ever been in my life. My life simple...unconsumed with keeping up. I’m following my own path, making my own rules, creating my own dreams on my own terms. 

I’m not saying money is bad. It’s not but too often people confuse this ‘tool’ as the only important one...and it isn’t. It’s just that...a tool mixed among others. Money isn’t the savior nor is it the evil entity. It’s there to assist not define or rely. It’s part of a whole...that makes the whole thing click.

The Covid-19 has also shown me that every nation across the board was ill prepared for any large scale catastrophe. Sure, we could handle them in small doses...in small pockets. We’d send our social media prayers then get in social media wars over said prayers being sent...because...God forbid we mourn anything without a) a fucking conspiracy behind it or b) a gaggle of keyboard warriors raising their cyber fists in the air. 

“You’re so woke, Karen! Tell me again how your trust fund has helped the unfortunate many? Oh wait, it’s hasn’t? Please go on with your internet tangent?” 

Our privilege and convenience has turned us into: helpless, combative, impatient, self-indulgent, rude and disrespectful know-it-all’s. Yet, we know absolutely nothing and could stand a few lessons. 

“Look, here comes Candace and her PhD in bullshit.” 

In the midst of all the chaos and uncertainty, my country...has even caught a man plotting to bomb a hospital...all in the name of White Supremacy. Any other country have that on their Coronavirus Bingo Card? 

Can we all agree that that guy deserves a terrible afterlife or at least a next life involving him as a rock and the daily dose of pissing dogs? 

And can we all agree a universal saging isn’t that far fetched? 

It’s depressing and sad and disappointing. 
A world that could be soooo magical. I want to be proven wrong that it hasn’t all gone to shit. 

My country could have anything and everything. It could be the beacon of hope and strength and opportunity. It could be the reference point other nations model themselves after...but it isn’t. Instead it’s now the worlds go-to-guide on, “How Not to Be and What Not to Do.”

The thing is, I remember happier and classier days...days I called my generation’s version of Camelot. My mom had Kennedy...I had Barack. I miss those days. I miss this family and how they represented us as Americans.

Some of you may not agree and that’s fine but let’s just get this out of the way right now, this blog isn’t for you...’cuz I’m not patriotically raving the good old red, white and blue. I can’t and won’t until this piece of shit is gone and this reality show has been cancelled. 

Honestly...I’ve never wanted to vigorously shake the shit out of someone I didn’t know so badly in all my life. Then again, our current great🤢leader🤮 might confuse the shaking for a rollercoaster ride and tweet about it later. At this point, nothing would surprise me. 

“It’s the best rollercoaster ride. The greatest. The best. The greatest. I’m awesome. Bigley.” 

Something along those lines. 

But thank you for making that one time payment of $1600 happen...because you know...that will solve everything, you amazing God, you! 


For many of us....this will barely scratch the surface and I’m no math expert buuuut in a country where people need multiple side hustles while working a 40 plus hour work week to barely survive; $1600 doesn’t cut. It might help some...very few might I add...but if you total bills multiplied by how many weeks and months we, the American people, are out of work...we’ll still be running on empty! 

Most of us will be trying to figure out which bill gets paid, which bill gets delayed and which bill is going into collections. Bailing out billion dollar corporations before the people who are actually the lifeline to those very corporations is despicable. No one’s going anywhere or supporting anything if they can’t even afford to eat. Wait...I stand corrected. Some folks actually will bounce back like nothing ever happened. Their lives had very little disruption because you guessed it, they already had deep pockets. This pandemic leaving them unscathed...so it only seems fair, only seems natural that when all is said and done and normal is back and running...these are the ones that get to enjoy the normality.

“Oh, it’s a cold. Oh it’s just the flu,” said the crowd holding all the resources. 

No, bitches...this is a modern day plague. Most societies don’t shut themselves down because of a seasonal cold or flu and the whole world isn’t in on one cruel joke against Trump. This has nothing to do with him, his followers or his upcoming possible reelection....but leave it to him and his cult to honestly believe that this is a personal attack. Poor, pitiful Trump bullied once again. 

Here’s the world’s smallest violin and it’s playing your song....I’m sorry you feel attacked and prisoner to your own lavish home...but next time you feel under appreciated, find some wood and nails....build a cross and and climb on up. 

Yes, how did you guess? The last words of those thousands dying in droves across the globe are, “Gotcha, Trump!” 

There was no memo of a secret meeting on the corner of Insanity Street and Wackadoo Road to discuss overthrowing America’s precious republican leader. 

NO ONE THOUGHT, “Hmmmm, how can we finally get rid of this stain on humanity? Oh, I know...we’ll create a deadly virus that will kill hundreds of thousands of people and completely shut down entire countries. And just to throw our trail off, we’ll blame China. No one will suspect a thing. Yes...that’s it! We’ll show you, Trump! We’ll show you!” 

See you at 7pm on January 1st. 

Thankfully the pillow guy was brought in to set us all straight. We’re safe now, y’all The. Fucking. Pillow. Guy...has saved the fucking day! 🤦🏻‍♀️

There is a silver lining in all this though. I swear there is. I’ve said it in other posts and I will reiterate it as long as I have to.

For once I’m seeing a collective change in thinking: 

•Teachers are now looked at as viable and irreplaceable resources-parents now realizing it’s actually their kid that’s the problem....and how that kid is inevitably a reflection of how they were raised. Now it’s your turn to deal with the monster YOU created. Maybe from here on out, you’ll beat that ass instead of siding with it? 

•Minimum wage workers fuel an economy but can no longer be the brunt of that economy. That’s not how economies work. Ensuring that your country’s people have opportunities and don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck...IS NOT SOCIALISM...it’s decency. Yes, hard work and determination are important factors but ‘lil Tyrone from the ghetto and ‘lil Bryce from the gated community across the tracks will never have to work hard in the same regard. One will always have an upper hand no matter how you spin it and YOUR bloodline should have nothing to do with YOUR success. We shouldn’t all be sitting around praising the ‘lucky ones’ when in fact those ‘lucky ones’ are a product of circumstance and nothing more. A lineage of ample abundance, if you will. 

•Doctors, nurses, EMT’s and anyone in the medical sector are essential. They were never the enemy...just pawns in an ugly game ruled by power and greed. 

•Cleaning staffs, city maintenance workers, service industry folks, artists, grocery store employees, customer service reps deserve the same respect you expect. Give it and you’ll get. No one is beneath you. 

•Local farmers and farming in general are finally being recognized as an important and integral part of our existence and it’s  about time this realization came to light. I’m just sorry it took a pandemic to get us here. 

•In what seems to be forever, our environment is thriving. It has been crapped on in the name of progress and and greed and Instagram Feeds for far too long. Our impact on it needs to change. A forced shut-in is proving this to you....and if you’re not noticing...I suggest you open your eyes. We’d rather spend billions on trying figure out how to go to Mars over figuring out how to make our own planet last. The environment is not your waste basket. It’s not your floor mat to wipe your dirty ass shoes on. Respect your Mother Earth like she’s the Mama that gave you life. 

When this is all over, examine your life: before, during, and after. Will you continue  on the same path you were on before? Will what you went through during change some of your choices and habits after? 

Will you continue to be part of the problem or will you consciously put forth an effort to be part of a solution? Where will you stand? Where will your noble character lie? I want to believe...we’ll come out better, stronger, more inventive, creative...empathetic and empowering...resilient...and even though humanity has broken me before...I still want to believe. I still want to hope. I still want to be proven wrong. 

With that, I leave you with this...a relevant scene from a favorite show of mine, Vikings. It speaks volumes to me on so many levels. Especially now. Especially because of experience. Especially because I DON’T WANT TO BE RIGHT IN THINKING THE WORLD WILL ALWAYS BE JUST ONE GIANT FUCKING MESS. 

Enjoy and remember please, Stay Home.
*found on internet/Vikings fan page. 
Ivar: The moon is a woman, that’s true, but not a woman you can trust, a devious woman, a woman who drives men insane. She promises them her love, and her favours, but then she changes her mind, cheats on them, goes with someone else. Do you understand what I am thinking?
Bishop Heahmund: You’re thinking I can’t be trusted, that my promises are worthless, that I will be as fickle, as the moon.
Ivar: In my experience, it happens. 
Bishop Heahmund: But if you kill me now, you deny yourself the pleasure of proving yourself right.
Ivar: Heahmund, I do not want to be right. I want to believe; in you. I want to believe that in this world there is someone who never lies, cheats, or compromises, who is always noble. 
Bishop Heahmund: I am the one, Ivar, you can believe in me.
Ivar: We’ll see. 


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