Norman and Then Some

Alright y’all… let’s talk manifestation. A subject near and dear to my heart. This truly is one of my favorite topics to talk about because I have first hand experience involving it and several stories that relate to this type of insane energy. Call it magic, if you will… because I, the Blogging Bae, hands down… believes in MAGIC and manifestation. And this is going to be a long one but entertaining, I’m sure… So get what you need now: your toilet break done, your beverage of choice, even a snack if you must because you are going to be here for a while. No worries, I’ll wait…. Are you back yet? Settled in? Ready to roll? Good because here we go. It all started about ten years ago. I was once again ending a toxic relationship. Not only that I was freshly laid off. I was beginning a season of broke and being broken. On one ill-fated night (at the tail end of my tumultuous relationship) I left my house to stay in a hotel. I’m telling you this because what t...