Up and Down and All Around We Go

Hello, all! How did your weekend treat you? Mine was “eh”… it was decent but given the news that my government decided to go back 50 years, that kinda set a dismal tone for how this weekend was going to be. My buddy/neighbor did take me out for drinks on Friday and I got to drown my sorrows but also met two lovely ladies-one in which-I made plans with to hang soon enough… so at least there is that. Saturday, I cured a hangover and tried to keep my mind off of the tragic reality that has become my country. I could go into all my feelings about what happened on Friday but quite frankly between the rage and sadness, I just don’t have it in me at this time. Instead… I am going to talk about my book. Because for the love of Goddess it needs to sell so I can stop getting in fights with my husband about bills. Here’s my reality: my husband and I split everything down the middle and although he has provided for me at times, that act never goes undone without a co...