Falling Backward…Among Other Things
Hello, sweet friends. It’s been a minute since I have written… since December actually! And, you know what? I have missed you and this blog. My absence wasn’t done on purpose though… I promise! I had to rearrange my life and some priorities. So, sitting down to write for this blog was put on the back burner and it’s been simmering ever since. Man, how I have longed just to do this one simple task that was once such a part of my regular routine. For starters, my book became numero uno on the things-to-do-list. Last night I wrapped up what I hope is the last round of final edits before it goes out into the literary world. I received my hard copy a few weeks ago to go through and all I have to say is…. I am so grateful for this step. Otherwise, this book, me and my publishing company would have been the laughing stock of the year. SOOOOO MANY ERRORS AND THINGS THAT NEEDED TO BE FIXED! Another thing I learned: NEVER BE TOO NAIVE AND TRUST ‘THE PROFESSIONALS’! Which is someth...