Into The Wild

All it takes is one song. Just make the words trapped in mind find their proper release. Yesterday...after many jumbled thoughts still couldn’t find their outlet, I heard a song. It got me thinking. About the past...the present...and of course, the future. You know...the type of shit that keeps one up at night. So much of my story is still very much unwritten. I’m 40 after all but ‘line by line’ is waiting to be etched in. One day down, one step closer. The unknown waiting to be written down. The words to the song were reminiscent. They reminded me that the feelings I have are real and tangible. They were never fleeting. It just took an awakening. It took eyes opening. It took a triggering of sorts. Songs and music have always done this to me. I’m sure I’m not the only one? A specific track can take me back or propel me forward and no matter what these songs and these lyrics always find their way to me at just the right moment. Much like many thin...