Bury The Moon

We are constantly evolving. Who you are now will not be who you are later. The key in this transformation though....is to keep walking. To keep discovering...to keep uncovering layers and parts that are no longer necessary. To discard and build on as you see fit. To just keep being and doing and actively participating as the protagonist of your story. Life is meant to throw curve balls and not every day or year will be a highlight of the century....but those curve balls are still essential details to the chapters you write. Evolving indicates growth...and no matter how grown we think we are, there is always room for more. This year, much like previous ones has taught me about patience...and not just patiently waiting for my life to get where I fully want it to be but to have more patience as whole. I’m learning some parts of me need more silence than reaction because my knee jerk reactions don’t solve most things, in fact they tend to make things worse. I will admit th...