This Fear’s Got A Hold Of Me

It’s the end of week two of quarantine. I think? At this point, I’m not even sure what day it is although I’m not necessarily paying attention. If I do, days feel like years. My life isn’t much different outside of quarantine. I work remotely and live cross country from most of my friends and the few gal pals I have here are much further away than just next door and even if they were just next door, ‘social distancing’ is still required. For the sake of human kind...I’m staying in. I have come to the conclusion that when we can get back to some sort of normalcy...I will be okay with not hearing the following words or phrases: quarantine, isolation or isolate, social distancing, and in these trying times...for years to come. In fact, I’m okay with never having to hear them ever again. That’s right...2020’s version of on fleek or bae or any other generational slang term that’s come and gone sucks. You can have these hashtags and shove ‘em where the sun doesn’t shine. ...