Ode To The Boys

Aside from my husband, there have only been two men in my life that have truly inspired me creatively. In an indirect nudge that literally got me off my ass and truth be told, I don’t even know either of them personally. One of the two men, I have actually met before. The other I will eventually meet as well. I’m throwing that into the universe right now and I’m telling you, it will happen. Randomly. Just like it did with the other guy. Who are these infamous men? Well, I’ll tell ya....just be patient....because....they both come with backstories attached and without the story, the appreciation wouldn’t make much sense. It would just sound creepy. In 2010, I fell into a horrible depression. I’m not an unhappy person by any means....actually....I’m quite cheerful. I also stay as positive as I can despite any struggle that might be thrown my way and there have been quite a few....but 2010 was different and 2011 even harder still. The details go ...