Lessons and Love
Hello. So, I did it. I finished my rewrites for my second book. I went from a 48-thousand-word count to a 60-thousand-word count. What does that mean? Well, it means two things: my book is now a novel and all that is left is proofreading. Before I left for my writing conference in Paris, I handed in this very short second book to my editor. I, myself, thought it was too short. Which, honestly, shorter books are fine I just knew it was missing parts and pieces. I was told at my conference that a book under 60k is considered middle school reading. I didn't want that. I am already battling commentary for the ‘Chic Lit’ genre—more so in my head but still… If ‘Chic Lit’ is what I am writing I want to make sure it’s damn good. My editor was excited for the conference because she felt it would inspire me to write more and it did. The conference did that and so much more. Specifically, it helped me release a certain situation that was hovering over my book...