Sparkle and Shine

Happy Saturday and I hope everyone is having a solid weekend—or at least trying to. I get it… There are many factors that can make a day go sideways. Just remember, there is always something out there that can make you laugh or something you can do that will help you forget your troubles for a while. I'm not saying avoid them… I am just saying life is too short to sit around being sad. Believe me… I could go into it, but I would rather not. This blog isn't meant to drudge up or harp on any more shit we are all forced to swallow. With that said, let’s move on. I've had the last week off and I pretty much did everything I wanted to do mainly though I relaxed and focused on my book series. The week started with a meeting to expand my series to other avenues. It ended with me signing a contract to sell my book in the most darling bookstore I have ever had the pleasure of stepping foot in. Not bad for a week off. I read, I exercised, and I cleaned ...