Dreams and the Full Moon
Hello, my blogger buddies… I have a question. Well, a few actually. Does anybody else catch less z’s when there is a full moon? Like clockwork, my sleep becomes spotty when there is a full moon high overhead. Every. Single. Time. Granted my brain is always active and it seems to never want to settle, so I understand this could be part of the issue. Yes, I overthink, I daydream, I create bullet points for stories and books and to-do lists…. And it always happens when I want to sleep… but does anyone else out there have the same problem? I have tried everything. Calming tea before bed. Reading before bed. Turning off social media before bed… BUT NOTHING WORKS—especially if there is a full moon in full swing. Does anyone else have active dreams? As if you are living in a parallel universe. This entire week my dreams have been wild. So wild that I was late to work on Tuesday because I turned off my alarm and went back to my other place. I could delve into the psych...