
Sparkle and Shine

  Happy Saturday and I hope everyone is having a solid weekend—or at least trying to.   I get it… There are many factors that can make a day go sideways. Just remember, there is always something out there that can make you laugh or something you can do that will help you forget your troubles for a while. I'm not saying avoid them… I am just saying life is too short to sit around being sad.  Believe me… I could go into it, but I would rather not. This blog isn't meant to drudge up or harp on any more shit we are all forced to swallow.  With that said, let’s move on.  I've had the last week off and I pretty much did everything I wanted to do mainly though I relaxed and focused on my book series.  The week started with a meeting to expand my series to other avenues. It ended with me signing a contract to sell my book in the most darling bookstore I have ever had the pleasure of stepping foot in. Not bad for a week off.  I read, I exercised, and I cleaned ...

She Got Back Up

  I let myself fall…. Seems quite fitting seeing that I am the author of the  Falling Series.  Happy Sunday, by the way! Wherever you are. I had a long talk with myself this week. Things went back right into a pattern that just doesn’t sit well with me. I’m pretty certain in doesn’t sit well with all parties involved. And without going into too many details… I really just want to stay normal if normal is even allowed.  I want to be a friend and that’s it. I am pushing all of my anger and sadness and just want to opt for cool as a cucumber. Because our worlds will never align and because I deserve so much better than what I have been given. And, I use the term, “friend” loosely because it comes with a grain of salt and at arm’s length. As in, it can’t go much further than, “Hi! How are you doing?”  Because I can’t offer up much more… because I don’t have anymore to give. In fact, I have released myself from any attachment that isn’t good for me. And, although, fa...

The Story That Made Me

  So… sow buttons.   Just kidding. Happy Wednesday. T-minus five days until my favorite social media app gets banned in my country. I'm not okay with it and for the record, believe the reasons are ludicrous.  Sadly, this app has brought me out of my book nook. It might not have always driven sales for my book series, but it did push audiences from all over the world to my page. It did allow my series to gain traction and exposure… And I am forever grateful.  I don't know how much longer I will keep my Facebook page and I’m not exactly sure what I will do next… I am a Taurus and slow to change… Not to mention I feel like TikTok is the only app where I don't feel lost in a void when it comes to promoting my series.  I really hope between today and the 19th, this ban will be pushed back. In my opinion, there are bigger fish to fry than a social media app and yo be fair any country that has already banned it—SHAME ON YOU!  Now that that’s out of the way… HERE I...

Be an Author… They Said

  Holy shit, man! I am about to lose my damn mind. So if any of you see a woman throw a pink laptop in the middle of the street and smile happily when cars repeatedly crush it, it was me… And I meant to do it. I would set it on fire, but Colorado is about as dry right now as California and what we don't need is two states engulfed in flames.  I'm just saying… this editing and proofing part of this craft is working my last nerve.  Yeah, I get it, first-world problems. But it’s a tedious, obnoxious task. Now, granted I haven't been able to plan an entire afternoon or an entire day to this ridiculous task, but I have been at it all week. A couple of hours here and there. Every morning. Every afternoon. And sometimes in the evening when I get home.  Do I have that many errors that I need to accept or reject? Not really. It’s just the system I am using is slower than an extremely old person trying to have sex without dying from exertion. Sorry, not sorry for the visual....

The Heart That Spoke

  I started my ukulele lessons this week. I can strum two cords, four times each. I have read every night before bed. I have exercised every day—either cardio or yoga. I journaled Sunday night and pulled Tarot for the upcoming week. I have done a good job at keeping my vices at bay. I started a new playlist for new songs of the year.   But, mostly in between all that I have desiginated lengths of time with one tedious, patience-testing task... Proofing my book. Accepting or rejecting what the proofreader fixed, corrected, or changed.  This is all on top of working and somehow finding a way for my head to hit my damn pillow by midnight for the next day that promptly starts at 6 a.m.  It’s crazy what happens when you aren't tethered to bad habits or time-sucking energy.  It’s extremely freeing when you aren’t letting the worst parts of yourself take over the best parts of your soul.  And, in all this… I just noticed an action made by someone who I feel is goi...

The Vibe

  I read something the other day that went like this… “If it’s not giving me an orgasm or bringing me inspiration or an income, it’s not worth my energy.”   It’s not my word for 2025 but it’s a vibe and I kinda like it.  And, it’s straight up the energy I want to keep. In case you are new to my blog I will reiterate 2024 in one little sentence… It was all about the lessons. Some good, some bad, but all extremely valuable in the long run.  My first week of 2025 wasn't bad. I made it a point to curb some bad habits. Take a rest from them and give myself a chance to see what else is out there. Besides this predictive routine I was comfortable in. I'm not saying my vices won't be back but for now, I put them on the back burner.  I also went into the new year wiping a slate clean and I actually feel good about it. I'm not carrying nor caring about the same weight… My soul feels lighter. My future feels brighter. And, my heart, well… it feels wildly free.  I am f...